Saturday, November 14, 2009

Technology that Supports Creativity

Students always try to demonstrate their creativity in their work. I actually have two students this year who draw very elaborate pictures on every assignment that they turn in. They feel that it is so important to have these pictures on every assignment, that they allow themselves about 5-10 minutes to complete a picture on tests. Many would think that this would cause the students to make errors on their tests because they are rushing to finish the test to make sure that they have enough time to draw the picture, but, surprisingly, these two students score very well on the tests most of the time. A great tool that teachers and students can use to demonstrate creativity is ComicLife. ComicLife is a technological tool that allows people to tell a story using a comic-style format. Students would enjoy the opportunity to tell a story and incorporate their style and ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I think I would not have been very intimidated taking a math test that was created by ComicLife. It would have not seem so formal and it would have created a more relaxing atmosphere.
